A WOMAN who was left "traumatised" after being attacked while out running has completed a 100-mile ultramarathon.

Nicola Jones was out on an early morning jog in Connah's Quay in 2020 when she was attacked

The 37-year-old was pushed from behind causing her to fall over, while the perpetrator continued to hit her while she was on the ground before running off when people at a nearby bus stop shouted at him.

She said the attack left her so shaken that she wouldn't be able to go out running alone again. 

Nicola, with the support of family and friends, never gave up running - and has taken to ultramarathons. 

And earlier this month, she completed a gruelling 100-mile ultramarathon around Llyn Padern in Llanberis - running 20 laps of the lake. 

It took her 27 hours to complete the challenge - and she was the only woman to do so. Many of the laps were done in the dark - something Nicola never thought she'd be able to do again after the attack. 

"I think it’s nice to see a positive ending and the attack affected me and the close people around me for what felt like a lifetime," she said.

"I was nervous to go into Asda alone and left places crying as I was in such a panic. I was traumatised.

"Over the past 12-18 months I have met the most supportive group of people and they really built my confidence back up.

"To not only get back to running but to be the only woman to be complete a 100-mile race makes me so proud and believe we are all capable of overcoming trauma."


Talking about the run itself, Nicola said: "It was so difficult, especially the night time as your body naturally just thinks it’s time to go to bed.

"It was 104 miles in total 20 times around the lake which is 5.2 miles - with a hill thrown in to keep it interesting! 

"I stopped for the odd break to get food/get changed but had no sleep. I wanted to quit more than once. But you somehow find some strength and just get up and carry on."