READERS have been getting in touch to give us their views on the announcement that dogs will soon be banned from certain parts of Flintshire.

Earlier this week, the Leader reported that dogs were set to be banned from the Rosie pool area in Wepre Park in Connah's Quay and the memorial gardens in Mold.

Flintshire Council’s environment and economy scrutiny committee has recommended to the authority’s ruling cabinet that those locations are added to the county’s public spaces protection order (PSPO).

PSPOs were one of a number of tools and powers given to councils and their partners in the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act.

Flintshire’s current PSPO covers enforcement against dog fouling which is the responsibility of the council’s Streetscene team. It also covers enforcement against drinking alcohol within town centres which is the responsibility of the police.

A Fixed Penalty Notice of £75 can be handed to anyone officers believe to be guilty of an offence, which would be required to be paid within 14 days.

The consultation on adding the area by the lake in Wepre Park and the memorial gardens in Mold took place over the summer.

Connah’s Quay Angling Club started a petition for the Rosie’s inclusion in the PSPO last year due to dog fouling blighting the enjoyment of anglers, walkers and community groups using the facilities.

But, many of our readers believe that others issues need to be addressed first.


Nanette Davies said: "Totally unfair to responsible dog owners. More than willing to keep our dogs on leads but a total ban is unfair. Will they ban children next when they leave their rubbish behind.

"At least dog walkers can protect the area from being taken over by the weed smoking youths and drug addicts who congregate and leave needles behind."

Paula Conway added: "I am a dog owner, I always pick my dog mess up I love going to flower garden with. my dog so it's now a case of ban dogs from the flower garden park but it's OK for groups of kids to go there and smoke weed, make a mess of the place and get drunk. Well done Flintshire County Council."

David Cooper said: "Shame the bad ones have spoilt it again for the responsible people."

Tallullah Navidad said: "Any suggestions of alternative venues to go to allow dogs to be walked and run and have their emotional needs met. Are the council going to provide sufficient enclosed dog parks and ensure that this is utilised only by those who are responsible and pick up after their dogs? Those that don't pick up can then be fined as threatened, but nothing happens."

Tim Lloyd said: "What a joke. Who was consulted about this? I’ve never seen dog mess in the gardens in Mold. It’s such a popular area around there with dogs."

Jonathan Parrott added: "More reasons for people to stay indoors, the world has gone mad."

Shannon Jones told us: "We are responsible dog owners who use the memorial gardens. I have a back condition, so sometimes go with my husband when he walks our dog.

"I like the fact you can sit in the gardens here on benches. Can’t do that on Kendricks field unless the council decide to pay for benches there. And who was consulted about this? Because as far as we know, we and other dog owners weren’t!"

The scrutiny committee recommended including the Rosie and the memorial gardens in the updated PSPO.

If approved by cabinet, the PSPO will begin on October 29 after a notice period.