CHANGES to speed limits across Wales will cause more pollution and disrupt the testing of prospective HGV drivers, an instructor has said.

From September 17, most roads in Wales that are currently 30mph will become 20mph.

Stuart Walker, a lorry and bus instructor with Gatewen Training Services in Wrexham, spoke of his concerns ahead of the change.

He said: "The lorry driving test currently consists of a minimum of one hour's driving. 

READ MOREReaders share their views on 20mph speed limit change

"Test routes are Mold, Ewloe, Buckley, Hawarden, Broughton Chester and Wrexham.

"Examiners at the test centre go beyond the call of duty to keep tests on schedule. The new 20mph blanket speed limit is going to very badly affect car, bus and lorry test [as] they will not be able to travel as far out as they did previously.

"This means all of the routes will have to change and that's going to take someone an awful long time to go round and test it out.

"Currently we have some really good test routes with varying traffic and road conditions, which means people are tested to a really good standard.

"Now they will have to make the decision about how to shorten the length of the test route to accommodate it within an hour."

Mr Walker also shared his concerns about the impact on pollution.
He said: "On Burton Hill for example, going from the 40mph to the 30 area there, all lorries drop at least four gears on that short stretch if not five.

"Now just think about heavy goods vehicles somewhere like Coedpoeth Hill.

"Going up a hill like that they are going to be going up and down the gears something silly at 20mph - and that's going to be throwing out the pollution.

"And they are going to lose so much speed that it's going to cause gridlock, mayhem and frustration to other road users."

Mr Walker added: "My opinion is that most motorists will accept a 20mph speed limit where it is justified - for example on housing estates and by playgrounds and schools.

READ MORE: 20mph consultation situation in Buckley discussed in Senedd

"But most motorists are angry at the blanket speed limit. In my opinion even the most disciplined drivers who sensibly keep to the speed limits will ignore some of the 20 speed limits.

"That means a very important road safety tool, the 20 speed limit, will be devalued

"Obviously new drivers in Wales will [also] lack experience of driving in 30 speed limits when they cross the border to England."