Wireless printing at our libraries

Wrexham Libraries now offer a 'print from anywhere' service. You can print .pdf files and Microsoft Office files from anywhere and collect at your local library. You need a current and valid library card and pin to use this service. If you do not have a membership card please join online at www.wrexham.gov.uk/libraries. To print documents simply visit https://wrexham.docprint.uk/ and follow the instruction on the screen. You will have 48 hours to collect your prints from your chosen library. The printing fees are 20p per A4 page in black and white and 40p per A4 page in colour. Please note: we cannot print any other size through this system.

Children's Author of the Month

Diana Wynne Jones (1934-2011) had an unsettled childhood against the background of the Second World War. Her family moved frequently, finally settling in rural Essex. She and her two sisters were deprived of books but, armed with a vivid imagination and an insatiable appetite for stories, Wynne Jones wrote them herself to read to her sisters. She never ceased writing and from 1973 onwards published many titles, which have been published worldwide in 30 languages. Her magical adventures have enthralled children and adults ever since. Neil Gaiman called her 'the best writer of Magic there is'.

Murder mystery script writing competition

Budding writers and murder mystery fans are invited to enter the Wrexham Carnival of Words Murder Mystery Script Writing Competition 2023. The competition is open to any author with an original script that fits the brief and has never been published before. The competition is open now and will run September 29, 2023, and the winning author will receive a cash prize of £100. The script will also be performed by local amateur actors at next year's Murder Mystery evening during the Wrexham Carnival of Words literary festival in April 2024. The competition will be judged by best-selling author Simon McCleave, who is a patron of the Wrexham Carnival of Words. Details of the competition and the terms and conditions are available on the Wrexham Carnival of Words website: www.wrexhamcarnivalofwords.com

Wales Book of the Year on Borrowbox

The Wales Book of the Year Award is an annual prize celebrating outstanding literary talent from Wales across many genres and in both English and Welsh. There are four categories in each language - Poetry, Fiction, Creative Non-fiction and Children & Young People, with one of the four category winners announced as the overall winner, and claiming the title Wales Book of the Year. Nominated titles are available to borrow from your library and also online as ebooks via our Borrowbox app. To try one of these books please visit www.wrexham.gov.uk/libraries and follow the online services link.

Friendship groups

Friendship groups are a great way to prevent isolation and loneliness and offer you a chance to find companionship, too. Friends can also increase your sense of belonging and purpose, boost your happiness and reduce your stress. Many of our libraries hold friendship groups and each library offers a different activity or arrangement every week. So if you feel you need company or just want to make new friends why not come and join one of our groups. You will find them at Brynteg, Coedpoeth, Llay, Rhos and Wrexham libraries. Please contact them directly for more information. Contact detail can be found www.wrexham.gov.uk/libraries

Welsh book review

Hallt gan Meleri Wyn James

Hallt byeleri Wyn James

Hallt byeleri Wyn James

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