Author of the Month

Born in March 1962, the young Richard Coles grew up in Northamptonshire and attended Wellingborough public school where he was a chorister. He subsequently moved to London to work as a session musician in theatre. After his difficult teenage years, in 1983, Richard joined pop group Bronski Beat as a sax player where he met Jimmy Somerville. The following year, Jimmy and Richard left to form The Communards. Coles frequently appears on radio and television as well as in newspapers. His dalliance with Strictly Come Dancing and Celebrity Masterchef also brought him to a new audience. In June 2022 Coles published his first mystery novel about Canon Daniel Clement. They both have a love of dachshunds but personality wise, Coles sees himself more like the brother. He certainly draws on his own experiences of parishional life (without the murders) but also some of the gentry life too which he found solace in when mourning the death of his partner and hiding from the press. Not all in the series will be set in the local parish - one may be set on a cruise!

Meet the author - Elizabeth Cottrell

Come and meet local author Elizabeth Cottrell on Thursday, September 14, from 2pm-3pm at Gwersyllt Library. Elizabeth will be talking about her book The Ceremonious House and answering your questions. This event is free of charge but you will need to reserve your place. Call the library on 01978 722890.

Smartphones for beginners at Chirk Library

Groundwork Training are offering anyone who has a smartphone and is not sure how to use it to its full potential, a short training course at Chirk Library on Thursday, September 7 and 14, from 2pm-4pm. This free short course is aimed at beginners who have little or no experience using smartphones and will cover things such as downloading and using apps. To book your place please call Groundwork on 01978 757524.

Sports hire equipment at Wrexham Library

To coincide with this year's Summer Reading Challenge - Ready, Set, Read! Wrexham Library has teamed up with Active Wrexham to lend out sports equipment to young children over the summer school holidays. Children can borrow equipment such as mini tennis rackets, sponge balls, easy catch faces, bean bags and more. You can borrow them for up to three weeks, free of charge but you must be a library member. Come along and have a look at what's on offer!

The Summer Reading Challenge is here!

Ready, Set, Read! is the name of the game and this year, you guessed it, the theme is sports and games - put simply, we're all ready to have fun and keep active. Are you up for the challenge? The Summer Reading Challenge takes place every year during the summer school holidays. You can sign up at your local library, then all you have to do is read six library books of your choice over three visits to complete the Challenge. There are exclusive rewards to collect along the way, and it's FREE to take part! You can also keep track of your reading by visiting the Summer Reading Challenge website, where you can find new books to read, take part in competitions and mini challenges, and play games. Don't delay, join today!

Adolygiad Llyfr

Ar Adain Cân gan Gareth Thomas

Ar Adain Ca?n by Gareth Thomas.

Ar Adain Ca?n by Gareth Thomas.

Os oes gennych rywfaint o ddiddordeb mewn hanes diweddar, yn arbennig 30au a 40au'r ganrif ddiwethaf, ac yn mwynhau stori garu dda, yna mae hon yn nofel dylech ei darllen. Wedi dweud taw stori garu sydd yma, mae'r nofel yn llawer mwy na hynny – mae'n gofnod cymdeithasol o Brydain y cyfnod, mae'n wleidyddol, mae'n llawn gwrthdaro. Y man cychwyn yw carwriaeth Siân a George – y nail o Gwm Rhondda a'r llall o Lundain, un ohonynt o gefndir dosbarth gweithiol a'r llall o deulu tipyn mwy breintiedig, (yn ariannol, beth bynnag). Maent yn cyfarfod mewn coleg yn Llundain, y ddau yn gerddorion. Mae'r garwriaeth yn un llawn heriau, a'r darllenydd yn cael cip ar emosiynau amrwd iawn y pâr ifanc. "Felly stori garu ddigon cyffredin," meddwch chi. Efallai wir, ond yr hyn sy'n codi'r nofel hon i dir uwch yw cyfoeth yr hanes sy'n cael ei wau'n gelfydd drwy'r plot. Ry'n ni'n byw mewn oes lle mae tafodiaith ar drai, mae darllen nofel fel hon yn atgoffa rhywun o mor bert y gall y dweud fod, cymaint y cyfoethogir y Gymraeg o roi parch i iaith lafar amrywiol ein hardaloedd. Gobeithio y cawn nofel arall yn fuan gan gareth Thomas – meys moes mwy.

Adolygiad oddi ar, trwy ganiatâd Cyngor llyfrau Cymru.