HEALTH chiefs have issued an update on the number of salmonella cases linked to a single venue in Wrexham.

Public Health Wales (PHW) is continuing to work with Betsi Cadwaladr University Health board and Wrexham County Borough Council to investigate a "cluster" of food poisoning cases in the city.

Following an initial identification of several cases of salmonella in Wrexham last week, an investigation is being carried out by a multi-agency Outbreak Control Team (OCT) which includes representatives from Public Health Wales, Wrexham County Borough Council’s Environmental Health Team and Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board.

There are a further three confirmed cases and six probable since PHW's last update.  

Richard Firth, Consultant in Public Health at Public Health Wales, and chair of the OCT, said: “PHW is working with colleagues to investigate this cluster of cases, and to reduce the risk of further spread of infection.

“We are currently investigating 28 confirmed and 10 probable cases of salmonella associated with a single venue in the city.

“Infection with Salmonella can cause watery and sometimes bloody diarrhoea, abdominal pain, headache, nausea, vomiting, and fever. Salmonella is one of a number of organisms that gives rise to illness collectively known as 'food poisoning'."


He added: “Although it is an unpleasant illness, most people who become ill with salmonella generally make a full recovery, but serious complications may occur in frail, elderly people, very young children and people with impaired immune systems.

“Anyone who is concerned about their health should contact their GP or call NHS Direct Wales on 111.”

PHW hasn't, at this stage, named the venue in question.