A BEST-SELLING murder mystery author will be paying a visit to a Flintshire bookshop later this month.

The Berwyn Bookshop are set to welcome Katy Watson for an exclusive event this month.

Katy, who grew up in North Wales before settling down in London, will be at the bookshop from 1.30pm on Sunday August 27, where she will treat fans to a reading from her bestselling 'Three Dahlias' series of crime novels.

She will also be answering questions and signing copies of her books.

The first book in the series, 'The Three Dahlias' is a former Waterstones Thriller of the Month, and the second installment, 'A Very Lively Murder' was released in  July.


Described as 'Golden age crime for modern times', Katy's work has been likened to that of the eternally popular Dame Agatha Christie.

Tickets to the Flintshire event are available from this link here or in store from The Berwyn Bookshop, Mold.

Growing up in a family of murder mystery addicts, Katy learned early to look for means, motive and opportunity.

After studying English Literature – with a side-line in crime fiction – at Lancaster University, she set about teaching herself to write her own stories, while also experiencing enough of the world to have things to write about.

Two careers, a lot of airmiles, one husband, two children, three houses and forty-five published books for children and adults later, lockdown finally gave her the means, motive and opportunity to create her own murder mystery – with the aid of her scientist husband’s knowledge of poisons.

Three Dahlias is the result of that.

Katy also writes for adults as Sophie Pembroke, and for teenagers and children as Katy Cannon.