By Sarah Atherton

MP for Wrexham

Following the news that the North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority (NWFRA) is consulting on the provision of fire service emergency cover for Wrexham, I have launched a petition to save Wrexham’s second full-time appliance (fire engine) and crew. Nearly 150 residents have already signed my petition. I urge everyone in Wrexham to make their voices heard and sign my Fire Service petition. We need to send a strong message to the Fire Authority, that we do not want to lose our second full-time appliance! To sign the petition, please click ‘Fire Service Petition’ on my website homepage. I will present this petition as part of the consultation process.

The Welsh Government’s phosphates policy sets new targets for phosphate pollution in rivers and has severely impacted housing and wider planning developments in Wrexham. Due to this policy, in 2021-22, only 5,273 council houses were built in Wales, 24% less than in 2015-16. For two years, I have worked with the UK Government, Wrexham Council, developers, the Welsh Government, Dŵr Cymru and Natural Resources Wales (NRW), to overcome this issue.

It has proven difficult to get specific information from NRW on the progress made towards resolving the Wrexham planning application backlog. However, we do know the following. With regards to the Gresford and Five Fords Wastewater Treatment Works, NRW have confirmed that they are in the final stages of determination. Both of these sites are being prioritised in the project and they aim to have the final permits issued within the next few months. This will allow Wrexham to progress as a city after two and a half years of stagnation due to Welsh Labour Government policy. To see everything that I have done so far on the permits issue, please visit my website.

Back in August 2022, I submitted a request to Wrexham Council to fix and repaint the railings on Jeffreys Road and Smithy Lane as part of the Community Payback Scheme in conjunction with HMP Berwyn. Large sections of the railings on Jeffreys Road and Smithy Lane are bent and in dire need of repair. Following more than year of discussion, I recently received confirmation from Wrexham Council that they are not in a position to supply the paint for the project on Smithy Lane. In terms of the railings on Jeffreys Road, it was recently confirmed that Acton Community Council are now working with Wrexham Council on a plan. As such, the offer of Community Payback has been declined.

It is incredibly disappointing for Borras residents as council bureaucracy has prevented any action being taken. Even more so as the Community Payback team were willing to repaint the railings free of charge – with the Council only having to supply the paint. However, due to my active role on the HMP Berwyn Employment Board, the Community Payback team have kindly offered to undertake another project in Wrexham. So, if you have any ideas for a Community Payback Project, for example, removing graffiti or clearing wasteland; which does not require Council permission please get in touch with my office by emailing

It was great to see Holt Village ready for the final round of the Britain in Bloom competition last week. Holt pulled out all the stops to look beautiful for the judges. Fingers crossed that Holt gets gold when the results are announced next month. A special well done to everyone involved, especially Holt Community Gardeners who did an amazing job.

As a member of the Defence Committee and having chaired the Inquiry into women’s experiences in the Armed Forces, I am proud to have spearheaded the transformation of the experiences of service women. This work continues as I have now been appointed the Chair of the advisory boards, tasked by the Office for Veterans Affairs to produce the UK’s first Women Veterans Strategy. I will be looking at the specific needs & challenges faced by women veterans and celebrating their successes.

If you are a Wrexham resident in the current Wrexham constituency boundary and need my help with any issue, please don’t hesitate to contact me by emailing