A DOG caught a huge rat in an area of Wrexham seeing an increase in super-sized rodents. 

A Johnstown resident took to social media to post a photo of the animal which had been caught by her rescue specialist catching dog, Ella. 

Tracey Pierce said: "I've lived here 10 years and never had any problems. But in the last few weeks it's become an issue. The dog's recently caught two others which were even bigger.

"I'm not sure what's causing the issue. People feeding the birds maybe, unkempt gardens and smelly bins."

The Leader: Ella, a Pointer, caught the huge rat.Ella, a Pointer, caught the huge rat. (Image: User generated content)

Historians say that the dislike of rats potentially dates back to the mid-14th century. Rats were seen as dirty, vicious and the spreaders of disease including the plague - which caused the deaths of more than a third of Europe's population.

However, a recent study has found that it was humans rather than rats that were responsible for the spread of the Black Death.