Welsh Language Author of the Month

Meleri Wyn James was brought up in Beulah and Aberporth. She graduated with a degree in Welsh from the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth and studied a MA at Coleg y Drindod, Carmarthen. She has been writing books for children and adults for 25 years. She enjoys reading, cooking, needlework and spending time with her family and friends.

Ruabon Library July Exhibition

This month's exhibition is a display of mixed media paintings and drawings by local artist Malcom Hughes. The exhibition is a vibrant and dramatic collection of artwork depicting a variety of themes such as war, nature and local interest. Described by viewers as in the "style of Kyffin Williams", this striking and distinctive exhibition is on until the end of the month. The exhibition is free to view.

Xplore! at Wrexham's Libraries

To tie in with this year's Summer Reading Challenge, Xplore! the science discovery centre will be visiting our libraries to deliver interactive sessions based on the theme Ready, Set, Read! The sessions will take place between August 14 and 18, in nine libraries. Places are limited, so you will need to make sure you reserve yours. If you are not able to attend after you have reserved your place, please let us know so we can let someone else be part of the session. For more details, please contact your local library or keep an eye on our social media platforms. We can't wait to see you!

Seren a Sbarc

Seren a Sbarc are superhero mascots for the Siarter Iaith (Welsh Charter). They help pupils and staff in school to speak and use Welsh in and out of the classroom. These popular Welsh characters will be leaving the classroom over the summer holidays and will visit six libraries for fun bilingual stories and activities. They will visit Ruabon, Gwersyllt, Rhos, Coedpoeth, Cefn Mawr and Wrexham libraries and would like young children to join them. For more details please contact the libraries directly or follow us on social media. These events are free of charge and Seren a Sbarc are excited to meet you!

Summer activities for children at Cefn Mawr Library

Are you looking for something fun to do over the school holidays? Join us at Cefn Mawr Library this summer for weekly craft sessions every Friday throughout August, from 2pm-3pm. These sessions are suitable for children aged four to 10 years and are free of charge. On Friday, August 18, from 10am-noon, join us for a special craft session for children aged seven years plus for a chance to make your own comic book. We look forward to seeing you at these sessions but you must book your place beforehand. Call the library on 01978 820938.

Welsh Book Review

Dedfryd Oes gan Emyr Evans

Dedfryd Oes by Emyr Evans

Dedfryd Oes by Emyr Evans

Os oes gennych chi ddiddordeb yn wythdegau'r ganrif diwethaf, diddordeb yn effaith radicaleiddio ein dyddiau ni, a'ch bod yn mwynhau strori dda, bydd Dedfryd Oes yn siwr o blesio. Mae'n nofel sy'n darllen yn rhwydd, ac mae yna gyfuniad da o ddisgrifio a deialog sy'n sicrhau bod y nofel yn symud yn ei blaen yn ddigon sionc. Ond er y darllen rhwydd mae yma gysyniadau digon cymhleth – yn arbennig effaith aberth a brad a ddatgelir drwy'r prif cymeriad, Siôn. Mae yma hefyd drafod effaith unigrwydd a cholled, siom a throi cefn. Mae'r nofel yn dechrau yn yr wythdegau hwyr, pryd y ceir digwyddiad sy'n newid byd y prif gymeriad, yn llythrennol felly. Wedyn mae yna fwlch o ugain mlynedd cyn bod ail ran y stori'n cychwyn o ddifri. Mae rhywbeth braf iawn am y toriad yma, mae'n gyfle i asesu sut mae'n cymdeithas ni wedi newid. Yn bendant, mae hon yn nofel sy'n werth ei darllen.

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