A gardener’s club will welcome writer and broadcaster Advolly Richmond to their next talk this month.

As part of their monthly talks at Chirk Gardener’s Club the specialist in garden history, who also regularly appears on Gardner’s World, will be giving a talk on ‘Plants and people that Shaped our Gardens’.

The talk will be presented on Monday, June 26 and will cover some of the people and plant introductions that have influenced gardening styles.

Dawn Gough Chair of the club said that the club is very lucky to get Advolly as she is such a busy lady.

Entrance is free for members and visitors are welcome to the talk at 7.15pm at Chirk Parish Hall for £3 to include refreshments. There will also be a raffle and plants for sale.


The club has recently had a successful plant sale and is having an outing to Wollerton Old Hall shortly where they will have a tour and talk on August 2.

The club will also be visiting the Gateacre allotments in Oswestry (date to be set) for some inspiration as they are encouraging members to 'get growing' and to that end have given out seed potatoes and growing bags for free.

The outings are for members and the club tries to keep the membership low - £12 per year which includes all talks and refreshments.

The club will be paying for the bus to Wollerton so again keeping the price to a minimum so as to be inclusive.

The club says it is aware that the cost of living is hitting people and have quite a lot of retirees.

They raise funds from the big plant sale and through mini sales at meetings when possible.

The club is thriving with 52 members and visitors too.