A MEDIEVAL themed event took place at Bailey Hill at the weekend (June 4).

The event saw the beauty spot transformed into a medieval village packed with entertainent and saw visitors treated to crafts, puppet shows, street magic, singing and historical re-enactments. 

Jo Lane, business regeneration project officer for Mold Town Council, said: “The Medieval Day on Bailey Hill was a huge success. The day provided visitors with the opportunity to explore Cwmwd Iâl medieval village, to enjoy singing and merriment with The Whipperginnies, be entertained by Professor Llusern puppet show and street magic and learn, make and play the ancient game of Gwŷddbwll with resident artist, Huw Davies.


"There really was something for everyone to enjoy!

"As always the success of these large scale events is down to a committed group of volunteers, who give their time and expertise freely for the benefit of the town. We look forward to holding this event again next year and for years to come.”

The day took a tremendous amount of preparation but proved to be worth it as the event was enjoyed by everyone who attended.