WREXHAM firefighters will be putting their bravery to the test with a charity ghost hunt.

The firefighters will be taking on the Creep Tunnels in New Brighton, Wallasey to help raise funds to transport emergency vehicles and equipment to Gambia.

This is done under Operation Zephyr with Emergency Services Aid Charity, which successfully transported these goods last year.

Ex-firefighter Paul McNulty is a paranormal investigator, and came up with the idea to hold the charity ghost hunt with the Wrexham Red Watch, which includes his son, Daniel.

The Leader:

Paul has been investigating for between 15 to 20 years, and said: “It’s my interest, and it has been my interest for many years since I can remember.”

He now runs the Past Life Paranormal group, which host public and private events all around the country, and has access to the Creep Tunnels to hold the event for free.


Paul explained: “These tunnels are over 200 years old and there’s a lot of history and a lot of stories behind them.

“When we do our events down there, we do things like old fashioned investigation where we’re using Ouija boards, seances, were using alone time where one person will sit in a certain area on their own in the pitch black with a couple of instruments we’ve got that will detect things around them.”

The Leader: A picture from inside the tunnels A picture from inside the tunnels (Image: Paul McNulty)

They can also hold different activities like table tipping, human pendulum, and dowsing.

Paul said: “Hopefully I’m going to be putting these firefighters in a position that they’ve probably not been in before.”

As a firefighter for 20 years, Paul understands the “extreme conditions” the firefighters face on a daily basis, but added, “this isn’t one of them”.

A Justigving page to donate can be found here

Here's what the firefighters will be facing:

The tunnel’s rich history makes them the perfect venue for the ghost hunt.

Paul explained that they had been used by smugglers. One story of their activities was when there was a shipwreck in the River Mersey, called the Pelican, which went down in 1793.

To get access to the ship's goods and take them for themselves, Paul explained that there had once been a rule where if the ship was empty of people, then they could take what they wanted. However, the Pelican had the bodies of those who died in the tragedy on board, so the story goes that the smugglers moved the bodies to the tunnels and buried them.

During WW2, the tunnel had also been a munitions factory and air raid shelter, and more recently had been a nightclub called the Creep Inn, hence the name.

The Leader:

The ghost hunt will take place on Friday, June 9 and will start around 8 or 9pm and could run through until about 2am.

Paul said this all depends on the night.

He explained: “Unfortunately with the paranormal, you do get times where nothing happens so at the end of the day, they’re not performing clowns so you can’t expect something all the time but we’ve done a couple of events down there now and every time we’ve it its been quite an eventful night so I’m hoping they’re not going to let us down.”