THE MEMBER of Parliament (MP) for Delyn has slammed Senedd politicians as being 'second rate' on the back of a report on the health board.

Rob Roberts MP, who was elected in 2019, made the comment in an explosive social media rant earlier this week.

The MP was himself suspended from the House of Commons for sexual misconduct in 2021, when the Independent Expert Panel (IEP) found he made repeated and unwanted sexual advances towards a male member of parliamentary staff.

Despite that, he has remained in his political position and, earlier this week, hit out at Senedd politicians in an extraordinary Facebook post.

Mr Roberts claimed the Senedd was full of "second-rate politicians doing a second-rate job".

READ MORE: Former chairman urges police to probe audit report into health board's finances

He went on to describe the institution as 'an absolute joke' and 'the worst thing that's ever happened to Wales'.

In the Facebook post, he said: "It’s completely correct that Labour have presided over a systematic destruction of the health board in north Wales.

"But it’s also correct that the opposition groups in the Senedd have done absolutely nothing about it.

"The whole place is full of second-rate politicians doing a second-rate job, sitting for two days a week and stealing a living from the public purse.

"A fair chunk of them are elected having never actually won a vote, and they want to increase the gravy train even more.

"The whole institution is an absolute joke and the worst thing that’s ever happened to Wales, established on a 50.3% “yes” vote from a 50.2% turnout.

"So because 25% of Wales (thanks Gwynedd) wanted this absolute shambles of a project 25 years ago, we’re stuck with it. Not good enough. Failed in every conceivable way to deliver for the Welsh people. It makes me so angry."

A spokesperson for the Senedd has been approached for comment on the statement made.