MOLD played a starring role in the Welsh Government's new promotional campaign to highlight their new Retail Action Plan.

The Welsh Government's Retail Action Plan aims to improve the prospects of the retail sector and those who work within it.

The plan will outline where the sector can come collectively to improve its prospects, as well as the prospects of those who work within it.

Welsh Government's Retail Action Plan includes: 

  • "Championing workforce equality; diversity and inclusion at all levels
  • Embedding fair work principles by promoting the Real Living Wage, the benefits of the Economic Contract and the role of trades unions."
  • "Promoting the benefits of careers in the sector."
  • "Assessing skills and training provision."
  • "Adopting the Town Centre First policy in planning."
  • "Reducing town centre vacant premises by supporting Local Authorities to match businesses to them or encourage community and other worthwhile use."
  • "Working collaboratively to promote town centre/high street events to increase footfall."
  • "Creating safer working environments."
  • "Encouraging the retail sector to move towards net zero."

Minister for the Economy, Vaughan Gething, said: "Our retail sector has a vital contribution to make to our town and city centres, rural communities, and our wider well-being, which was never better evidenced than during the Covid-19 pandemic, when retailers provided vital services to people and communities across Wales.

"The launch of this plan comes at a time when the sector is facing considerable change affecting business operations, the workforce, consumer behaviours and the broader economic context and outlook.

"Overlaying those issues are the headwinds of a cost-of-living and cost-of-doing-business crisis, with all the uncertainty that brings.

"We remain committed to an ongoing conversation, through the Retail Forum, to shape our response to current and future challenges and opportunities."

Mold is a market town which thrives on its local businesses and the passion held by the local community for trade. New businesses popping up in the town is a familiar sight, so it was no surprise Mold was selected to star in the new promotional campaign, which showcased the town's success. 



The video includes many local shops and individuals who will be no strangers to the people of Mold, featuring business owners such as Emma Worthington from The Craft Shack, Martin Jones from Vaughan Davies, and store manager of Boot's, Emma Bloor. 

The short video also features Mold town councillor, Catherine Francis Hill who lauds the town's sense of community and togetherness whilst stating the important role the retail sector plays. 

In the video, The Craft Shack owner, Emma says: "I obviously like working for myself, but the customer base we have, we have a wonderful customer base here."

Similarly, men's tailoring shop, Vaughan Davies owner, Martin says: "When you speak to the customer, and the customer says, I want 'this, and this, and this', and selling it and putting the money in the till, it's like a bug that takes hold of you somehow."


In her weekly Leader column, Hannah Blythyn MS for Delyn emphasised the vital role the new Retail Action Plan will play: "I was pleased to play a key part last week in launching the Welsh Government’s Retail Action Plan, which provides a framework for policies to help our retail sector in social partnership with workers, unions and employers as well as local government.

"The retail sector is one of the largest private sector employers in Wales, providing jobs to 139,000 people and with a reach into communities across Wales.

"Many of us will either have family and friends who work in retail and have worked within retail ourselves, myself included.

"It is a diverse sector that is instrumental in providing employment opportunities and services which are critical to the vitality of our town centres and rural communities."

Business Regeneration Project Officer for Mold Town Council, Jo Lane welcomed the new plan and lauded Mold's inclusion in the promotional campaign, adding: "We were thrilled to be contacted by the Welsh Government Economy department to contribute towards a promotional video for the launch of the Action Plan. We have many fantastic independent retail businesses in the town centre and we welcome any opportunities to celebrate them.

“The launch of the new Welsh Government Action Plan to support retail businesses across Wales is welcomed and celebrated by Mold Town Council.

"A thriving town centre is achieved when all interested parties work collaboratively together, and this action plan definitely champions this approach."