A WOMAN who became "nasty and unpredictable" after drinking left her dad feeling frightened in his own home, a court heard.

Rebecca Williams, of Scotts Close in Marchwiel, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Tuesday for sentence.

The 41-year-old had previously admitted offences of assault by beating and assault of an emergency worker.

Rhian Jackson, prosecuting, told the court that the assault by beating was committed against her 77-year-old father Colin Williams in November last year.

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She had been staying at his home in Gabriel Close after being released from prison and was dependent on alcohol.

Ms Jackson told the court that when the defendant drank, she became "nasty, abusive and unpredictable."

In the case of the offending, she had hit him in the head with a closed fist following an argument and kicked him to the groin with force.

She also hurled abuse at him and caused him to feel frightened in his own home, the court heard.

Officers were responding to a domestic incident involving Williams on November 22, and on arrival at the property she appeared drunk.

As she was being searched, Williams swung her leg at one of the officers, striking her to the shin.

A probation service spokesman told the hearing that the offending was "clearly underpinned by alcohol," but that she had thus far engaged in post-sentence supervision following her last offence.

In limited submissions to the court - the Deputy District Judge having indicated he was minded to impose probation intervention for the defendant - Euros Jones, defending, told the court that his client had been battling with alcohol use and that her family wanted her to get better.

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Deputy District Judge Paul Conlon handed down a 12 month community order, to include a 120 day alcohol abstinence requirement and 20 days of rehabilitation activity.

The defendant must pay her dad £100 in compensation, as well as £50 to the officer she assaulted.

She must also pay a £114 victim surcharge and £150 towards prosecution costs.