A 20-METRE high 5G mast is to be erected in Deeside.

It will be located on Tenth Avenue on Deeside Industrial Park after a planning application was given the green light.

The Leader: Where the mast be located. Where the mast be located. (Image: Planning documents)

A planning statement from CK Hutchison Networks said: "High-speed mobile connectivity is the lifeblood of a community; facilitating educational benefits, providing access to vital services, improving communications with the associated commercial benefits for local businesses.

"It enables e-commerce and facilitating the increased need and demand for working from home, as well as enjoying access to social, media and gaming for leisure time activities."


The UK Government says it wants most areas covered by 5G network by 2027. 

Is 5G safe?

Exposure guidelines govern mobile signals in the UK, and the consensus of reviews by independent public health authorities, including Public Health England, expert groups and the World Health Organization (WHO) is that these guidelines provide protection for all people (including children) against all established health hazards.

Current UK and international guidelines cover all frequencies used for mobile telephony, including those allocated to 5G. The ICNIRP exposure guidelines for frequencies up to 300 GHz, published in 1998, are being revised and replaced and are expected to be published this year.

It remains the opinion of ICNIRP, and other bodies such as the WHO, that there is no convincing evidence of adverse health effects at exposure below the guideline levels. 

The Leader: What the mast will look like. What the mast will look like. (Image: Planning documents)