A MAN who has been making his neighbours' lives a misery with anti-social behaviour and shouting has been handed a criminal behaviour order.

Lee Moorhouse, of North Street in Sandycroft, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Monday.

The 49-year-old admitted three instances of failing to comply with a community protection notice (CPN); each of which was committed in his road in February.

Prosecutor Justin Espie told the court the victims are the defendant's neighbours, who have been repeatedly reporting nuisance and annoyance caused by Moorhouse.

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Some 30 complaints have been made about him since June 2022, resulting in multiple warnings from North Wales Police.

As a consequence, he was made subject to the CPN on January 26.

It required him to refrain from shouting or behaving in an antisocial manner which is likely to cause his neighbours harassment, to play his music and tv at an acceptable level and to engage with substance misuse services.

Mr Espie told the magistrates the requirements for a criminal behaviour order had been made out and invited them to make one in the same terms as the CPN.

Lorraine McClure, defending, said: "He suffers significantly with his mental health - it's a form of psychosis he struggles with most.

"He tells me he hears voices and his state of reality is never quite clear for him.

"When he feels he's hearing voices, he thinks it's from his next door neighbours.

"He understands the requirements of the order but he says 'I can't help it - when people shout at me, I have to shout back.'

"He understands he shouldn't but he finds it difficult."

Sally Kemp, Chair of the Magistrates, said to the defendant: "Regarding the application for the criminal behaviour order, we are in agreement with doing that.

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The Leader:

"It means there is a lot more at stake for you now - whereas before it wasn't a criminal offence [to breach the order], now it is.

"You must abide by the rules or you'll find yourself back here."

The order was made for two years, on top of which the defendant was fined £80 and ordered to pay a £32 victim surcharge and £170 costs.