A MAN who murdered his friend in a knife attack and tried to claim he'd been defending himself must serve at least 16 years of his life sentence behind bars.

Mark Harley Jones, of Chester Road in Wrexham, posted disturbing footage on Snapchat before and after his crime, a two-week trial at Mold Crown Court heard.

Among other things, it depicted the then 18-year-old Jones stamping on the lifeless face and body of Kyle Walley, at the victim's flat in Rhosymedre in 2021.

Mr Walley, 19, had been drinking with the defendant ahead of the European Championship football final when things escalated.

The victim was stabbed twice, but the fatal injury saw a blade pierce his heart.

Jones, now 20, told the court Mr Walley had attempted to attack him with the knife first, and that he'd managed to turn it on the victim in self-defence.

But a Jury saw through the explanation, convicting him unanimously of Mr Walley's murder on Thursday afternoon.

Jones returned to court at 12noon on Friday to be sentenced.

John Philpotts KC, prosecuting, read out a statement from the victim's father, Robert Walley.

He said: "[Kyle's] death was horrific and a complete shock for the whole family.

"I can't stop thinking about what happened to Kyle - my mind won't switch off.

"The social media aspect has been incredibly difficult to deal with as a family.

"We are aware social media is something most people use.

"Knowing our son's murder was filmed and circulated online is horrific.

"We know people have been making comments on the footage - some comments about Kyle were vile.

"No one should have to see those comments about their own child."

He added the social media intrusion the family has endured following the footage being published seemed "never-ending"

Andrew Ford KC, defending, told the court: "It's a feature - as I tried to articulate to the jury - of some young people, many things are filmed.

"There is a real immaturity about this defendant then - he seemed to film innocuous things.

"There is a very unhealthy interest and bravado-like tendency at the time of this awful event, towards knives."

He added that in the time since the murder, his client seemed to be "growing up," adding that Jones struck him in the clips and evidence from 2021 as someone who had "lost his way."

Before handing down his sentence, Mr Justice Stephen Eyre told the defendant: "Kyle Walley had problems in his past and he had a quick temper - but in the words of his friend Morgan Bull 'he was a decent lad with a good head on him.'

"In July 2021 Kyle was just starting out on his adult life - he hoped, and those who knew him hoped, he could put his troubles behind him so as to lead a productive adult life.

"Kyle was waiting to begin an apprenticeship and was hoping to go to college.

"[He] had formed a friendship with a young woman and they both hoped that a relationship would develop.

"You put an end to all those hopes."

The Judge told Jones he had been "obsessed with knives and boasting on the internet," and while he accepted the defendant hadn't gone to the victim's home intending to kill him, he had been "buoyed up" by alcohol and cannabis on the day of the offence.

He continued: "Not only had you posted messages on snapchat earlier in your time in Kyle Walley's flat, but you continued to do so after you had stabbed him.

"After Kyle collapsed dead on the floor, you kicked and stamped on his dead body, shouting vile abuse at him.

"You filmed yourself doing so and broadcast that sickening footage on Snapchat.

"As you hoped it would be, the footage was seen by many people - your action posting that material revealed your true character.

"You were glorying in your vile actions.

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The Leader:

"Kyle had a loving family and he is sorely missed by his parents, his brothers and his sister.

"His loss has left a huge gap in their lives.

"What is more, their grief has been made worse by your cruel and heartless actions in what you did after you killed Kyle."

The Judge handed down a life sentence. Jones must serve a minimum term of 16 years and 131 days before he can be considered for release by the parole board (Initially 18 years but reduced to account for the days Jones has been on remand.)