A CARE charity in Wrexham is starting a new transport service to aid people in rural communities. 

For people who live in rural communities, community transport services provide a lifeline, allowing a freedom and level of independence which would otherwise be out of reach.

The Rainbow Foundation have been addressing this need for more than 27 years and today have a fleet of three minibuses which provide transport links to and from their Penley, Chirk and Marchwiel Care Hubs.

The charity – who operates across South Wrexham – believe that there is more that can be done and is striving to connect even more people in rural communities with local services and attractions.

On Monday, March 20, The Rainbow Foundation is launching a new weekly transport service to Stans Superstore in St Martins.

Leaving the Penley Rainbow Centre at 11.30am each Monday morning, the service will collect from the Cocoa Rooms in Overton, before travelling on to Stans Superstore in St Martins. The service will leave Stans at 2pm, returning to the Rainbow Centre via the Cocoa Rooms.

READ MORE: 'Don't struggle': Wrexham residents offered support with cost of living crisis

Volunteer Coordinator Rebecca Griffiths says: “The reality is that many older people who live in rural communities are becoming more and more isolated as public transport services continue to be cut. We are in a position now where even getting to their local supermarket has become a challenge for many people. Especially in the face of a continued cost of living crisis where calling a taxi to help them is no longer affordable.”

"We are looking to extend our community transport service even further to include more trips to local services and attractions to enable people to not only meet their basic needs when it comes to accessing local services, but also provides a social and human connection to others.

"To do this though we need volunteers across South Wrexham to come forward if they have a few hours each month spare to help us support older people in our local communities.”

For more information call 01948 830730 or email info@therainbowfoundation.org.uk