A COUNCIL looks likely to reduce its use of pesticides in order to increase biodiversity.

Flintshire Council's Cabinet is to discuss the authority's grass cutting policy when it meets on Tuesday.

A report to the committee states that an all-member workshop was held in January to learn more about the management of road verges and amenity grasslands, wildflowers and biodiversity. 

In particular, members sought to find out about the use of pesticides.

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At the conclusion of the workshop, there was broad support for the reduction or cessation of the use of pesticides by the authority and its contractors.

The report to the cabinet explains: "The Well-being of Future Generations Act requires public bodies in Wales to think about the long-term impact of decisions and is all about working with local communities, taking a more joined up approach, looking to prevent persistent problems in order improve the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of Wales and impact of our actions on future generations. 

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"The goal of a Resilient Wales is to reverse the decline of our biodiverse natural environment, develop a better awareness of our impacts as individuals and organisations, ensure we are ecologically resilient, with healthy ecosystems, and to support community wellbeing.

"Safety will remain the priority for grass cutting and there will be limited opportunities for certain areas, such as rural road verges and visibility splays. 

"However, there are opportunities to collect cuttings when we cut on flat verges, which could reduce the number of cuts required. 

"The main changes proposed to the policy include reduced mowing on all
suitable verges (avoiding visibility splays and banks), allowing the
grass/wildflowers to grow in certain areas and increasing the number of areas included in reduced mow or wildflower management to improve the biodiversity."

The report recommends cabinet members support the work undertaken to date and consider opportunities to increase biodiversity - as well as approving proposed changes to grass cutting policy and supporting the "targeted reduction in the use of pesticides."