THE LABOUR MP for Alyn and Deeside has written to Flintshire County Council to object to plans for 70 new homes on greenfield land near the Flintshire border with Wrexham.

The site at Bluebell Field, Abermorddu, has been subject to planning applications for a number of years.

It was also included in the Flintshire Local Development Plan, making it more likely planning permission will be granted.

Alyn and Deeside MP Mark Tami has claimed that the site is 'clearly not suitable for development'.

Mr Tami added: "Flooding issues have plagued it in the past, and building on this land will only worsen the situation for other residents nearby.

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“Worryingly, the assessment that the developers have had done of the flood risk appears to show no knowledge of the historical issues the site has faced.

"A blindness to the evidence at this stage could have dire consequences down the road if this site is given the go-ahead, for new and existing residents alike."

Cllr Dave Healey, who represents the Caergwrle ward on Flintshire Council, added: "This plan fails to take account of flooding, phosphate management, or the traffic situation, and I welcome Mark’s involvement with this issue.

"I have long campaigned against the development of this site, and the proposals made by the developer have done nothing to fix the problems in the last application, which after a sustained community effort, never saw the light of day."

When Flintshire Council’s Local Development Plan, which includes the site, was previously discussed Cllr Healey and his wife, neighbouring Hope Cllr Gladys Healey (Lab) who sits on the planning committee, followed legal advice to declare personal and prejudicial interest and withdrew from discussions.

The Leader:

PIC: Cllr David Healey and Cllr Gladys Healey.

But in his feedback Cllr Healey says he may decide to ask the council’s Standards Committee for a dispensation so he can speak when the planning committee makes a decision on the application at a later date.

Responding to observations made in the pre-consultation exercise, developer Castle Green Homes said: “The site lies in Flood Zone A. It is therefore deemed by Natural Resources Wales to be at a low risk of surface water, groundwater, fluvial and tidal flooding, as confirmed in the accompanying Flood Consequences Strategy.

"The 30mph speed limit zone is to be extended as detailed in the Transport accompanying Statement. This will be confirmed as part of the Section 278 Agreement.

The applicant will work with Welsh Water and the LLFA to ensure that an appropriate and effective drainage solution is put in place.

“Affordable housing tenures will be discussed with the Housing Strategy Team at Flintshire County Council with the Housing Need Register at the time of the Application to be considered.

"Comments regarding the need for an Archaeological Watching Brief are noted. This will be a matter for the local planning authority.”

A decision on whether the development will go ahead will be made by Flintshire’s planning committee at a later date.

If the committee rejects the plans, the developer may then be able to appeal to the Planning Inspector in Cardiff.