A YEAR of events is underway to celebrate a Wrexham-based charity's 10th anniversary.

Your Space, in Llay, supports children and young people with autism, and one of the first events planned is a fundraising auction.

Volunteer fundraiser Laura Benson's 10-year-old daughter Brooke visits Your Space, and she wants to help them to continue doing their "amazing" work supporting children with autism and their families.

Enjoying activities at Your Space.

Enjoying activities at Your Space.

Laura said: "Brooke attends Your Space activities and she looks forward to attending every week. She loves it, she calls them her kind of people.

"It is a safe and enjoyable space for her to be herself with the nurturing and support required to make her feel relaxed and comfortable in a non-judgemental place where she feels accepted.

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Your Space members at panto in Liverpool to see Jack and The Beanstalk.

Your Space members at panto in Liverpool to see Jack and The Beanstalk.

"It's so nice that she can go somewhere that she's comfortable, and be able to express herself. It really is amazing what Your Space does.

"She loves the Saturday Social Group, it's her favourite weekly activity. She's able to be herself without feeling like she doesn't fit in.

"And if a family has more than one child, it means parents can use the time Your Space allows, to have time with their other children."

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Valentine’s themed sensory play at Your Spaces toddler session.

Valentine’s themed sensory play at Your Space's toddler session.

Now Laura is appealing to local businesses for support with auction items, for a celebratory event at Rossett Hall in October.

She would love to get 10 quality lots that offer unique experiences or items for people to bid on.

She added: "We fundraise all year - bingo nights, fun days - but we wanted to be able to have a bigger event for the anniversary."

If you can help, contact Laura on 07545 255 750 or email fundraising@yourspacemarches.co.uk