WREXHAM AFC has announced that it has had around £225,000 of revenue through streaming on the new ‘National League TV’ system. ‌​‌​‌​​​‍‌​‌​​‌‌‌‍‌​‌‌​​‌​‍‌​‌‌‌​‌‌‍‌​‌‌‌‌​​

And that is just in the first two months of it being live.

The streaming service idea was initially met with resistance from league officials.

However, backing from the likes of Wrexham AFC owners Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney saw it given the green light in December 2022.

And the club has enjoyed a big financial boost as a result of that, it has been confirmed.

READ MORE: Wrexham reportedly set to face two Premier League giants on USA pre-season tour

Wrexham AFC says that a total of 2,697 fans bought a subscription for the first televised game at Eastleigh on December 10, 2022, which was the only 'test game' it featured in.

International fans are now able to watch every game in the National League and from December 26, 2022, to February 7, 2023, there were six League games: two at home and four away.

During the period, fans nominating Wrexham as their team bought:

  • 1,514 half-season passes
  • 507 monthly passes
  • 2,629 individual match passes

Domestic fans are only able to watch those games which fall outside the Saturday TV blackout (14:45 -17:15) in the UK.

During the period, fans nominating Wrexham as their team bought 5,823 individual match passes.

In summary, the club says, based on the above and assuming those international fans who have purchased half-season/monthly passes, watch every game, it estimates 2,460 devices are being used to watch each Wrexham game by fans outside the UK.

This is increased by another 1,950 by fans in the UK, for those games they are able to watch.

Wrexham says it expects these numbers to increase when the next subscription report is available to the club.

A statement from the club read: "We estimate that the revenue generated from the 13,170 subscriptions from December 10, 2022, to February 7, 2023, to be £225,000.

"Following the inception of National League TV (NLTV), the club are now able to share subscription details for the period December 10, 2022 to February 7, 2023.

"As fans are aware, the club are operating a multi-camera operation for games at the Racecourse Ground and where we can secure the support of clubs we are playing away, increasing the number of cameras covering the game, at our cost.

"We believe these details justify the club’s stance, pushing for the provision of such a service."