A woman has been put behind bars after her glass attack in a pub left her victim with permanent scarring.

Tammy Evans of Maelor Road in Johnstown, appeared at Mold Crown Court for sentence on Thursday.

The 36-year-old had previously admitted that on February 26 last year at Wrexham, she maliciously wounded Carys Wright.

Nicholas Williams, prosecuting, told the court that on the night of the offence, the victim was out with her partner at the Royal British Legion in Johnstown - where she saw a group of females causing a disturbance.

Later that night at the Grapes Inn, she saw the same group - which now included the defendant.

It appeared they were trying to provoke arguments in the pub.

After one of the group shouted abuse, Ms Wright threw her beer at an unknown female - following which the defendant threw her pint glass at the victim.

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The glass hit her in the face and smashed, causing her serious injuries to her face.

As Ms Wright and her partner left, the defendant was still outside screaming at people.

The victim was taken to A&E in Wrexham, then transferred to Glan Clwyd for treatment.

Her injuries included a 2cm deep laceration to her upper lip leaving a noticeable scar and cuts across her face.

Evans approached Ms Wright's cousin later that evening and gave her name and number, saying she wished to apologise for what she'd done, and that she hadn't intended to hurt her.

When she was interviewed by the police, she claimed she'd only meant to throw the contents, not the glass.

The Leader: Tammy Evans (Image: North Wales Police)Tammy Evans (Image: North Wales Police) (Image: NWP)

Speaking in court, Ms Wright said she'd been left with visible scars, adding: "Glan Clwyd advised it could take six months to heal and that I could go back to them to be referred to a plastic surgeon.

"After the assault, my partner's jaw dropped - that terrified me more than what happened.

"My whole body was in shock and my partner was saying 'oh my god - your face.'

"I have been contacted by the suspect on social media and this left me feeling intimidated that she might approach me. It makes me feel very vulnerable.

"I'm not happy with how it looks today and I will be seeking further treatment to make the scars less visible."

Mr Williams said the defendant has previous offences on her record for violence, including an attack on her ex-partner with a razor blade to the back of his neck in 2019.

On that occasion, she'd admitted the attack to police on arrest, telling them: "Give me a f****** knife and I'll do it again."

Henry Hills, defending, told the court: "In my submission, she has demonstrated genuine remorse.

"In my submission, Tammy Evans is a vulnerable person due to her mental health and physical problems, as well as being a victim of domestic violence.

"She has been living in the community for 12 months since the offence and she hasn't reoffended."

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Mr Hills asked Judge Niclas Parry to take the exceptional step of suspending his client's sentence.

But the Judge told the defendant: "With others, you were the aggressor that night.

"You targeted the victim before you threw a glass directly into her face with such force that it broke and caused a serious injury; a bad, deep long gash to the face.

"After the attack, you continued to abuse the victim verbally.

"It left a permanent injury and has had a psychological impact.

"Matters are aggravated by the fact this was on licenced premises, with others present and under the influence of drink."

The Judge handed down a sentence of eight months, but said the offence was so serious that it must be served immediately.

An indefinite restraining order to prohibit her from approaching or contacting the victim was also put in place.