TODAY we are launching a major new appeal that could see thousands of pounds given to community organisations that are helping ordinary people deal with the crippling effects of the cost-of-living crisis across Wales.

Newsquest, publisher of The Leader, is working with Community Foundation Wales to launch Our Communities Together – A cost of living crisis appeal. 

We are asking readers and businesses to donate whatever they can. And thanks to the support of larger donors, every £1 given by readers, will see £2 given to local causes so every donation will help.

The appeal will provide funding to support groups working hard in our communities across Wales to make a real difference to local people hit hardest by the cost of living crisis.

Poverty has been a persistent problem in Wales over the last decade. The numbers are staggering according to statistics from Welsh Government, with 34 per cent of children living below the poverty line and 14 per cent of all households (196,000 households) living in fuel poverty. 

In July 2022, 30 per cent of people in Wales reported their financial situation was negatively impacting their physical health. And costs of have only risen since.

When winter ends, so too will some of the support, meaning the actions of community organisations will be even more important. 

Charities and community organisations are the glue that hold our towns, cities and villages together, providing support where statutory services stop. They are often more able to be flexible and adaptable to the changing needs of local people.

But they too need support to do their work and that's where the Our Communities Together appeal comes in.

Susan Perry, regional editor of Newsquest North Wales, said for many people are facing real choices between turning on the heating and feeding their family.

“People across Wales are feeling the cost-of-living crisis,” said Ms Perry.

“We’ve all seen and read shocking stories about how people are being hit hard by this. And while we’re all impacted in different ways, I’m asking you to dig deep to help others.

“If you can only afford to put in a pound, then please do. Thanks to match funding that £1 will become £2.

“By partnering with Community Foundation Wales, we can get grants quickly to organisations working at the heart of communities.

“No matter how little you have to spare, please help if you can.”

One of the appeal's launch donors, David Gold, executive chair of not-for-profit sector recruitment specialists ProspectUs, said this was a chance for people across Wales to take action to make sure their local community groups survive.

“The cost of living increases are hitting everyone," said Mr Gold. "As always it has a disproportionate effect on poorer communities.

"Community Foundation Wales was the obvious organisation to choose to support as they have an incredible network, enabling the support to reach the right places with speed."

How Our Communities Together – A cost of living crisis appeal works

Readers and businesses donate money, which will be given out as small grants to community organisations.

Crucially, supporters are attached to the appeal who will match donations. So for every £1 readers give (up to a total of £25,000), that will be worth £2. This is the same for business donations, with match funding agreed for up to £25,000 in donations from businesses in north and south Wales.

The groups who will receive support will be providing services and activities that make a huge difference to local families and individuals facing crisis and hardship, with priority going to projects that are increasing accessibility to those who are underserved or vulnerable.

Examples of services considered to be eligible for grants (this list is not exhaustive) –

  • Luncheon clubs for older people
  • Wrap around/out of school care for children including meals
  • Community food pantries / essential supplies provision
  • Welfare benefit and debt management advice and support
  • Warm hubs
  • Fuel poverty support

How to support the Our Communities Together appeal 

Readers can make individual donations via Our Communities Together donations page on the Community Foundation Wales website. 

Businesses who want to make donations should talk to the Community Foundation Wales team, who will be very happy to help you.

You can also organise your own fundraising events and then donate. If you are fundraising or donating, please tell us, contacting us through our website:

How to donate?

To donate, go to

An announcement on how the funding raised will be distributed to local community groups will be made in the coming weeks.