WORK is now underway to transform the old Riverside Park site in Llangollen.

In 2022, it was announced that the 'Enhance Llangollen Riverside Project' was one of 14 initiatives to secure funding from Community Innovation Denbighshire via the UK Community Renewal Fund, matched by Clocaenog Forest Windfarm Fund and led by Cadwyn Clwyd.

Chair of Llangollen Parks Community Group Jessica Evans previously said the money would be used to commission a feasibility study centered on proposals including a new ‘splash pad’, landscaping, mini golf, renovations to the bandstand, interpretation boards and E-bike charging points.

The vision, which is expected to cost around £500,000 is aimed at transforming facilities at the once much-loved park.

And Denbighshire County Council has this week confirmed that work has now officially begun on creating a new nine-hole mini golf course at the site.

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A spokesperson for the council said: "Contractors have just started on site at Riverside Park on building a new nine-hole mini golf course on the site of the old course which was in a state of disrepair.  

"This is part of the Welsh Government's Brilliant Basics funding to enhance parks and recreational spaces which was obtained successfully last year by the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley AONB and supported by Llangollen Community Parks project and Denbighshire County Council’s StreetScene.

“As part of the funding, work will also start on some green infrastructure work and adding new play provision for 5-12 year olds."