THE family of a Wrexham businesswoman who died earlier this year, have made charitable donations in her memory.

Joanne Edwards, known to many for her Rossett-based business, Aballu Artisan Chocolatier, died on May 28, 2022, aged 48.

Donations made in Jo's memory have now been made to two of several causes she supported, Dementia Friendly Wrexham painting group and Teams4U.

Raising more than £1,400, Jo's mother Ann Edwards and brother Neale Edwards, split the money equally between the charities.

Ann said: "It's a fitting legacy. We only saw one part of Jo, so when we saw all the messages from people, we saw how many people she had touched in so many ways."

Neale added: "I don't know how she found the time to help all those that she did. This really helps celebrate Jo's life."

Read more: Tribute in memory of Wrexham chocolatier Jo Edwards

Set up by founder Dave Cooke in 2006, Teams4U operate around the world from their base in Llay, supporting community initiatives aiming to improve the lives of children.

On receiving this donation, he said: "It means an awful lot. Times are hard, and how we survive is from generous donations like this.

"As a charity, we're lean and mean. There's only three of us, the rest is achieved by volunteers.

"This money will go towards a water station in Uganda, where it will make an ongoing difference."

• For more details on Dementia Friendly Wrexham, find them on Facebook @dementiafriendlywrexham. If you would like to support Teams4U, donations can me made at