A project aimed at enhancing the biodiversity of Minera Country Park has been launched by Groundwork North Wales.

This was made possible after they received a funding boost from the Landfill Disposals Tax Community Scheme, which is administered by the WCVA, Wales Council for Voluntary Action.

Apart from improving the natural habitats and biodiversity of the area it will also offer sociable volunteering sessions with the opportunity to meet new people and enjoy the natural environment, help wildlife and learn new skills.

The grant funding program that enabled this project helps communities living within five miles of certain landfill sites to take action for their local environment.

Richard Aram, head of contracts and project delivery said: “This new project is a great opportunity to work with volunteers to improve the wild spaces and encourage the local community to get involved.

“We will be offering regular weekly volunteer sessions on Tuesdays, with tasks including the cutting of grassland, installation of bat and bird boxes in woodland, accumulation of dead wood to provide refuge habitats, and clearance of vegetation from pond areas – all with the aim of improving the biodiversity of this country park.”


This project will also host learning events, such as school visits and talks, as well as family events held at Minera Country Park – sharing the value of the new habitats created and the value of maintaining natural areas such as this.

Sam Rowlands, MS for North Wales and Shadow Minister for Local Government has welcomed the scheme to improve the natural habitat and wild spaces.

He said: “I am happy to support the new project at Minera Country Park which will not only boost biodiversity but also encourages local people to get involved.

“I think it is great that people from the local community are being invited to join the volunteer team and help improve the environment.

“It is vitally important that we all work together to improve our open spaces and enjoy the natural environment.”

Anyone wanting to join the Tuesday volunteer team or to find out more about Minera Country Park Project should contact Groundwork North Wales on 01978 757524 or email info@groundworknorthwales.org.uk