Legendary Welsh folk singer Dafydd Iwan will be the guest of honour at the inaugural Wal Goch Festival for Football Lovers in Wrexham.

This new documentary film from Afanti for S4C follows his journey with the Wales national football team alongside the fans’ army of the ‘Red Wall’ who have embraced his classic song.

Iwan will be in attendance at the premiere screening of Yma o Hyd, which is part of the Wal Goch Festival in Wrexham this weekend. 

The screening will take place at the Willam Aston Hall at 8.30pm on Saturday, November 12. For full details on festival tickets, click here.


From the nerve-wracking qualifying game against Austria to the team’s final World Cup preparations, we follow Dafydd every step of the way.

The film unpacks the meaning of the song as he records our newest and greatest football anthem before the World Cup kicks off in Qatar.

Dafydd Iwan said: "The whole thing about the football slogan ‘Together Stronger’ (the Football Association of Wales’s slogan) has really worked. It has worked from the football point of view and the fans point of view."

He’s also very pleased that the fans have taken up his song on the terraces.

He added: "They’ve adopted the song, they’ve learnt it – and wow, how they sing it!"

After the screening of Yma o Hyd there will be a 30-40 minute question and answer session. Dafydd will be joined by Dave Driscoll, the FAW’s match day producer who was responsible for popularising the song at Wales’s home games.

Roopa Vyas will also be on the panel. As a young woman from an Indian family who has discovered her Welsh identity through football she will talk about the big part that Dafydd's music has had in that journey.