Wrexham's co-owners are hoping for a 'positive decision' regarding the proposed KOP redevelopment. 

The club’s planning application for the Kop Development is scheduled to be determined on November 7.

The proposed development would see an additional 5,500 rail seats added to the capacity of the Racecourse Ground and return it to being a four-sided stadium. More recently planning consent was received for the installation of new floodlights.

An example of the rail seats can be seen adjacent to Turnstile 1 at the stadium and supporters have been uploading pictures of themselves in support of the planning application.

READ MORE: Wrexham AFC call on fans to back Kop redevelopment as outcome date approaches

The improvement of the Racecourse Ground was a major commitment made by Rob McElhenney and Ryan Reynolds in their mission statement.

The tender process to identify the contractor to undertake the work is currently ongoing with the target of having the spectator seating ready for the start of the 2024/25 season.

Demolition work will commence upon the approval of the Kop Planning Application.

READ MORE: Wrexham AFC reveal first images of proposed designs for new Kop redevelopment

The planning application was supported by 10,634 signatures on a petition published by the club.

A separate independent initiative, to demonstrate to the UK Government that the Racecourse Ground should be viewed as a ‘Stadium for the North’ as well as the home of the Red Dragons, secured 16,450 in support. The Kop Development was the major feature of the Stadium of the North campaign.

READ MORE: Wales legends lead new campaign to get international sport back at the Racecourse

Co-chairmen Rob and Ryan said: "We would like to thank everyone who has supported the Kop Development proposals and we hope that these will now be approved by Wrexham County Borough Council.

"We’d also like to thank the club’s design team AFL Architects, Gardiner & Theobald LLP, Ramboll and Savills who have worked tirelessly to get the club to this position, in partnership with the council.

"Returning the Racecourse Ground to a four-sided stadium was a priority of ours and a positive decision on November 7 will see us pass a significant milestone, on the road to achieving that objective.’