CHECKS are being carried out on a road in Wrexham following several complaints by local residents who are reporting anti-social driving and speeding.

The Llan-y-Pwll link road has been identified as an area of concern as officers have become aware of challenges being set whereby drivers are being encouraged to reach 100mph in between certain landmarks on the road.

Over recent weeks officers from the Roads Policing Unit have carried out checks in the area. Thankfully the majority of motorists were driving within the speed limit of 70mph however some motorists have been caught exceeding the speed limit.

The Leader:

Sergeant Leigh Evans of the Roads Policing Unit said: “We are aware of the concerns raised regarding speeding and nuisance vehicles in the area.

"We are continuing to monitor the area closely with regular patrols. Speeding is an issue that concerns many residents and one that we take extremely seriously. Those who choose to ignore the speed limits can expect to be prosecuted for their actions.

“The public will say ‘police need to prioritise real issues, or ‘shouldn’t they focus on real crimes?’ - I want to stress that people are killed and seriously injured as a result of unnecessary speed, so this is quite rightly, a priority for us."

READ MORE: New GoSafe locations in Wrexham as police warn motorists to watch speed

He continued: "The 100mph challenge that we have been made aware of is a real concern. Nobody needs to be reminded that speeding can have devastating consequences.

“This is a warning to those who are taking part in this challenge: don’t be complacent, there is no excuse for breaking the laws of the road. Driving at high speeds endangers the lives of those driving and those of other road users and can put extra demands on our NHS.

“We have a robust strategy around enforcing the ‘Fatal 5’ offences which includes speeding. Intentionally racing on the highway is likely to attract a prosecution for dangerous driving and subsequent disqualification or imprisonment."

READ MORE: 'Whopping' number of motorists caught speeding by GoSafe on main Wrexham road

Sgt Evans added: "We’ll continue to work closely with our local policing colleagues and our partners and I would encourage the public to continue to report any issues or concerns to so that we can plan our traffic operations accordingly and make the best use of our available officers.

“Anybody who captures offences on their dash cams are also reminded that they can be submitted to us via our #OpSnap campaign Operation SNAP (”

If prosecuted for speeding, the minimum penalty is a £100 fine and three penalty points. You could also be disqualified from driving if you build up 12 or more penalty points within a period of three years.

Plus if you get just six points in the first two years after passing your test, you will lose your licence.

Information on the penalties for speeding can be found at: