AN OAK tree thought to be hundreds of years old has been vandalised at Gladstone Playing Fields.

The incident follows another tree which was defaced in Rabbie Woods, in Sychdyn last month which sparked outrage amongst residents leaving them ‘upset’ and ‘angry’.

The latest tree to be defaced is located at Gladstone Playing Fields between the tennis courts and the football seating block with images showing the historic tree covered in blue graffiti.


Local resident, Gemma Uhrin-Johnson said: “That tree must be hundreds of years old! The trouble we have as a community is, where do you start with preventing these things and encouraging respect of nature. At home? At school? Is there anything we can do to stop it?

“You could argue that graffiti on a tree doesn’t even matter because the bark prevents harm to the tree, but it does matter on principle. It’s a sad reflection of how the area is struggling with people who just don’t care.”

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