NEW Year 7 pupils at a Wrexham high school have got off to a positive start.

'Fantastic', 'fun', 'absolutely amazing' and 'awesome' are just some of the words used to describe their REACH day last week.

On Friday, both Year 7 and 10 pupils took part in a REACH day, which are part of YBA's New Curriculum for Wales.

REACH day for Year 7s at Ysgol Bryn Alyn, working on developing teamwork, building resilience and problem-solving skills.

REACH day for Year 7s at Ysgol Bryn Alyn, working on developing teamwork, building resilience and problem-solving skills.

They are designed to enrich and increase the opportunities our young people at YBA experience. Both REACH days were organised by the Health and Wellbeing Faculty at YBA.

Did you miss? Readers' first day and back to school photos

The Year 7 REACH day was run by MPCT Military Academy and focused on developing teamwork, building resilience and problem-solving skills. The MPCT is a unique training college that helps 16 to 19-year-olds develop their fitness, vocational qualifications, and employability skills to help prepare for employment, including rewarding careers in the British Armed Forces.

REACH day for Year 7s at Ysgol Bryn Alyn, working on developing teamwork, building resilience and problem-solving skills.

REACH day for Year 7s at Ysgol Bryn Alyn, working on developing teamwork, building resilience and problem-solving skills.

The pupils took part in a carousel of activities throughout the day run by the military college, where they experienced a range of different problem solving and teambuilding situations.

New Year 7 pupil Sonia said: "I really enjoyed the whole day but especially the bench ball because I liked how we had to work together."

Another Year 7 pupil added they "found the day exhausting, fun and hard".

REACH day for Year 7s at Ysgol Bryn Alyn, working on developing teamwork, building resilience and problem-solving skills.

REACH day for Year 7s at Ysgol Bryn Alyn, working on developing teamwork, building resilience and problem-solving skills.

Andy Jones, faculty lead for Health and Wellbeing who helped to organise the day, said: "I have been really impressed with the behaviour and attitude of our new Year 7 pupils. They have shown great enthusiasm and resilience and have benefitted greatly from the day.

"It has also been a great opportunity for the pupils to get to know their new form teachers, all part of the Science and Technology Faculty, who have also taken part in the activities."

Victoria Emberson, the form tutor of 7 Cadwaladr was delighted with her pupils, as they were winners on the day and were presented with an award.

She said: "I have had a great day getting to know my form and I am delighted with how they have all worked well together. I am very proud of them."

Year 10 students during their REACH day focussing on raising aspirations and revision strategies.

Year 10 students during their REACH day focussing on 'raising aspirations and revision strategies'.

Year 10 pupils also took part in a REACH day, which focussed on 'raising aspirations and revision strategies'. These sessions were run by MADE training and were designed to inspire, equip and sustain the YBA leaners as they start their GCSE qualifications.

Students were asked to consider what their goals or ambitions were and what did they need to do to achieve them.

Year 10 pupil Trinity said: "I have found the session really useful. I now know what I need to do to achieve my future aspirations."

Pupils were also taught a range of useful revision strategies to help them recall, transform and review their learning.

Year 10 students during their REACH day focussing on raising aspirations and revision strategies.

Year 10 students during their REACH day focussing on 'raising aspirations and revision strategies'.

Year 10 pupil Jay added: "I now have some techniques I can use to help me remember lots of information."

Deputy headteacher Alison Kipping said: "We are delighted with how our first two REACH events have gone at YBA.

"All staff have worked extremely hard to develop an exciting and innovative curriculum that supports our young people to become ambitious capable learners, enterprising creative contributors, ethical informed citizens and healthy confident individuals.

"Our REACH days allow all our pupils to experience a range of opportunities that reflect our key values at YBA of Resilience, Effort, Aspiration, Co-operation and Honour.

"We want all our pupils at YBA to achieve their full potential and it was inspiring to see how both our Year 7, pupils starting on their learning journey with us, and our Year 10 pupils committed to developing these values."