Flintshire County Council have extended it's consultation period for the proposed changes on Shotton High Street. 

Last month, the authority launched the consultation, aiming to get the views of the public over the implementation of Active Travel (walking and cycling) infrastructure, enhancements to the natural environment and measures to improve traffic flow on the B5129 Shotton High Street from Brook Road to Shotton Lane.

Now, the Council has pushed back the deadline until September 11. 

READ MORE: Have your say on proposals to improve traffic flow on Shotton High Street

A further information event is being held on September 6, to give the public a chance at gaining a better understanding of the proposed changes. 

The event will take place between 4pm and 8pm at Rivertown Church, Chester Road West, Shotton, Deeside, Flintshire CH5 1BX.

The Leader: The proposed plans. (Flintshire County Council).The proposed plans. (Flintshire County Council).

The Council describes Shotton High Street as an "important travel corridor providing key strategic links to areas of employment, education and services", but say access has historically been impeded by traffic congestion and incidences of conflict. 

READ MORE: Flintshire Foodbank facing record high demand for food

They propose the introduction of hybrid cycle lanes, improvements to green infrastructure which include, tree pits, rain gardens and green bus stops as well as measures aimed at improving traffic flow such as the designated right turn lanes and changes to existing No Entry/One Way traffic restrictions.

The Council added that it is anticipated that the proposed improvements will "greatly improve the quality of life for residents" as well as having obvious benefits for public health and the environment.

Should the scheme progress to construction, the Council say there would be an "unavoidable period of disruption" which is anticipated to last for a period of 11 months involving the use of temporary traffic lights 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

For more information, visit here.