THE LLYN Brenig osprey pair have hatched chicks - a year after their nest was destroyed by a chainsaw-wielding vandal. 

This time last year, the birds of prey had laid eggs at their nest next to reservoir in Denbighshire. 

But, shockingly, the nest was cut down by a vandal using a chainsaw - with the incident caught on a CCTV camera positioned at the nest. 

READ MORE: Llyn Brenig ospreys look at where nest should be after being destroyed

The incident caused outrage amongst many in the north east Wales community, and naturalists such as Chris Packham and Iolo Williams. 

Welsh television presenter and naturalist, Iolo, described the incident as "unbelievable". 

There was considerable effort to get the ospreys, North Wales' only breeding pair, back to a nest at the reservoir - including enhanced security measures

And the work has paid off - with the pair successfully hatching a clutch of eggs last week. 

Sadly, one of the chicks has died - with the other two thankfully "doing ok", according to the North Wales Wildlife Trust.