A SIX-YEAR-OLD Ruthin girl's quick-thinking action saved the life of her dad.

On Wednesday afternoon, postman Dom Geoghan picked his daughter, Nansi, up from school like any normal day.

But things took a dramatic turn on the journey home - as Dom, a Type 1 Diabetic, began to feel very unwell.

Dom's wife, Leri, said: "I called him at 3.30pm as he usually picks me up from work after the school run but he had failed to show.

"I checked on his sensor and could see his blood sugars were running very low but there was little I could do as I was the other side of town.

"He answered the call but wasn’t making sense and couldn’t tell me where he was."

Diabetic emergencies are life-threatening and the situation was critical. But that's when Nansi's life-saving intervention came.

Leri said: "I heard Nansi in the background shout 'we're at the Esso garage'. I asked Dom to hand the phone to Nansi and asked her could she help daddy while I make my way to the garage.

"Nansi has a good understanding that low readings mean dad needs sugar. She very calmly asked if it was ok for her to get out the car."

Nansi, while still on the phone to her mum, entered the garage and asked for an energy drink and chocolate bar.

She explained the situation to the staff, and said she hadn't any money. Another customer in the shop overheard the conversation and very kindly paid for the items.

She gave her dad the drink and chocolate bar and then picked up the phone to tell Leri that she’s given it to him and he’s drinking it.

By this point, staff at Esso were there to help him, as well.

Leri said without Nansi's actions, her dad would have slipped into a diabetic induced coma and could easily have died.

"We are so proud of Nansi and her calm attitude that undoubtedly saved her dad that day," she said.

"Esso have been so kind and rewarded Nansi with a Teddy and a big tin of chocolates and Ysgol Pen Barras (her school) have given her praise and recognition and really made her feel proud of what she did.

"She got to tell her friends what she did and explain a little about diabetes."

The Leader:

Leri said the family will be forever grateful to the man who bought the items for Nansi.

"The Ruthin residents have been stopping Nansi to congratulate her and tell her how clever she is which is just so lovely," she said.

"And we want to say a huge thank you to the gentleman that paid for the items, we're so grateful to you. Ruthin is an amazing little town and we feel blessed to have such an amazing community around us."

The Leader: The Geoghan family: Ella, 15, Hari, 12, Nansi and parents Leri and Dom.The Geoghan family: Ella, 15, Hari, 12, Nansi and parents Leri and Dom.