FLINTSHIRE Council has backed plans ambitious to make Shotton 'the place to work, live and visit' by the end of the decade.

Earlier this year, a Steering Group, made up of representatives of the council, local councillors and North Wales Police was formed to oversee the development and delivery of ‘A Plan for Shotton’.

The plan, which has today been backed by Flintshire Council's cabinet, outlines how the Steering Group aims to make Shotton a town with a 'thriving high street, clean neighbourhoods and safe and visually appealing public spaces' by 2030.

Longer term projects included in the Plan for Shotton include the development of the former Corus Social Club to "maximise its benefits for the local community" and the redevelopment of Shotton station.

Improvements to the train station will create a "modern and more attractive passenger environment" and reinforce the station’s role as an "important transport hub within the North Wales Metro".

Also included in the plan is the development and implementation of a 'Community Wellness Model'.

This focuses on promoting community wellbeing through factors such as access to green space and recreational opportunities, pollution levels and the standard of homes people live in.

This will involve developing a community vision through listening to and engaging with the community, in part through the use of community storytellers.

Talks will take place between partner organisations to consult and engage them in the development of the objectives of the plan, and the local community, including residents and businesses, will be consulted throughout the process.