WHEN most people look out the window to their garden, they are not instantly hit with the colourful petals of a towering flower - but not for one Buckley family.

Jane and Rod Taylor, of Drury, have to climb a ladder to inspect their sunflower, which continues to grow every day.

Measuring at a staggering 12ft 4in, their growing efforts are not going amiss by passers by.

Ten-month old granddaughter Ayda Rose Taylor gifted sunflower seeds to Jane on Mother's Day of this year, which were then planted in May.

Jane's daughter Siâny said: "We didn't expect them to grow this tall, maybe about 6ft but definitely not over 12ft.

"They water them three times a day and people who walk past can't believe it. They call it Jack and the Beanstalk.

"Mum loves her garden, she loves flowers. The whole family just can't believe it."

"They started off as seeds off of her granddaughter saying 'plant these seeds and watch them grow with me'. It's safe to say they’ve surpassed her now."

Do you have a tall flower you have planted and nurtured? Send us your pictures to news@leaderlive.co.uk