MORE than 200 speeding motorists were clocked by Flintshire volunteers in July, it has been confirmed. 

The Leader has previously reported on the work of the Buckley Community Speedwatch team.

Cllr Arnold Woolley, who leads the team, confirmed that in July he and his colleagues put in 15 roadside hours.

Over the month, 217 speeders were recorded (doing 35mph and above in 30 zones).

Cllr Woolley said if his team were to record those doing 33 and 34, they would "never have stopped."

Of the 217 drivers recorded, 204 have been referred to GoSafe and will receive a letter asking them to "be a better driver."

Seven of the vehicles recorded throughout the month had no tax, five had no MOT and one was registered as being off the road.

Cllr Woolley said: "On Bannel Lane and Bryn Road we saw people driving at 55 miles per hour.

"And when we did a stint on the A5119 in New Brighton, we clocked one doing 54."

On numerous occasions previously, Cllr Woolley has warned of the dangers of speeding - urging people to use vehicles responsibly.

The former Police Senior Superintendent, Force Training Commander and traffic specialist told the Leader: "When I was a traffic specialist and my wife was a reservist, we came across a number of deaths and bodies.

"Regrettably the number of innocent people who get carried to the morgue wile the responsible driver ends up in court is an irritation.

"One doesn't like to see that."