A YOUNG Wrexham woman who fought off Lymphoma is backing a nationwide campaign to raise awareness of the disease.

In April of last year, Zoe Whitehead, of Borras, was diagnosed with Hodgkin Lymphoma - a rare cancer that develops in the lymphatic system, which is a network of vessels and glands spread throughout the body.

However, following 12 rounds of successful chemotherapy, the 29-year-old was given the fantastic news in January that she is now in remission - with the chemotherapy having successfully removed all the cancer.

Now, Zoe is looking to raise awareness of the disease by sharing her story and promoting the Lymphoma Out Loud charity's 'Up Yours Lymphoma' campaign.

Zoe Whitehead.

Zoe Whitehead.

She says in the weeks leading up to her diagnoses, Zoe noticed she had a lump on her neck.

But she admits she had no idea that it could be a sign of Lymphoma.

Zoe said: "I was seeing the doctor for something completely different when I asked her about my lump in my neck.

"It was literally a case of me saying 'Ooh actually, just before I go, would you mind just checking this lump in my neck'."

As well the lump on her neck, the doctor checked for lumps in her armpits and groin area.

Zoe was told she'd been booked in for tests and numerous blood tests, biopsies, CT scans, and PET scans - she was diagnosed with Classic Hodgkins Lymphoma Stage 3.

Zoe admits she could have got the lump checked over a lot sooner.

"I thought to myself, ‘Surely it won’t be cancer? I’m only 28, I feel fine," she said.

"These were just some of the thoughts I’d had before I finally plucked up the courage to ask my doctor at that appointment back in March 2020."

She continued: "I’m ashamed to say I hadn’t even heard of Lymphoma before being diagnosed myself. At the time I didn’t think I had any symptoms, other than the lump.

"But looking back I had a nasty cough I just couldn’t get rid of for about a month and I also caught a sickness bug (which never happens). Knowing what I know now, I can see that these were signs that my body wasn’t fighting infections as well as it should and that something wasn’t right.

"It took me so long to finally ask my GP about my lump because I didn’t want to waste a GP appointment if it was nothing serious. I realise how stupid that sounds now and will never make that mistake again."

Zoe added: "I’m really passionate about raising awareness for Lymphoma and the signs and symptoms you should look out for.

"That’s why I’m sharing my story with others - to spread the message about how important it is to know your body. And if something doesn’t feel right - please go get it checked."

Signs and symptoms of lymphoma may include:

  • Painless swelling of lymph nodes in your neck, armpits or groin.
  • Persistent fatigue.
  • Fever.
  • Night sweats.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Unexplained weight loss.
  • Itchy skin.

Zoe says the hardest part of her treatment was losing her hair during chemotherapy.

"Even when you finish treatment, your hair doesn't just go back to growing the way it was," she said.

"Mine's still really short at the moment and it's that constant reminder every time you look in the mirror that's the toughest thing."

She added: "After the toughest year of my life I'm feeling extremely thankful to be in remission and ‘physically’ a lot better.

"Mentally, there’s a long, long, way to go yet. But I’m trying my best and I’m sure I will get there."

For more information about Lymphoma and the support that's out there, visit www.lymphomaoutloud.org