Wrexham Library open for browsing

From today (Tuesday, April 20) Wrexham Library will re-open to browse, borrow and return books by appointment only. If you would like the opportunity to visit the library and choose your own books then please call the library on 01978 292090. The Order and Collect system will continue to operate for customers who do not wish to visit the library at the moment. The safety of our staff and customers is our priority and we are following Welsh Government guidance on how to manage visits. All books returned to the library will continue to be quarantined for 72 hours. Branch libraries will re-open to browse, borrow and return over the coming weeks.

Two of the exciting Beast Quest collection of adventure books.

Two of the exciting Beast Quest collection of adventure books.

Beast Quest

Beast Quest is a best-selling series of children's fantasy/adventure novels written by several authors all using the house name Adam Blade. The series is aimed largely at boys aged seven years and over. The novels have been described as "clearly and simply written, striking the right balance between adventure and storytelling" and a "great series to get lads, who normally wouldn't be, interested in reading". The books take place in a world called Avantia, and focus on a young boy named Tom and his friend Elenna as they attempt to restore peace to the land by stopping beasts from causing destruction. The books are among the most-borrowed from UK lending libraries. There is also a companion science fiction series called Sea Quest. Brynteg Library has a large selection of Beast Quest books - if you would like to order any please phone the library on 01978 759523 or use the online catalogue via www.wrexham.gov.uk/libraries.

Free books for reading groups

Do you run a reading group and sometimes struggle to find something to read? The Reading Agency has a section on their website dedicated to helping you establish and run a reading group, information on how to host a reading group online plus they work in partnership with many publishers and are able to secure free sets of books for reading groups. They shadow all of the major literary prizes, provide books reviews for adult and children's books and have a great noticeboard for just about everything to do with reading groups. For more information visit https://readinggroups.org/

New books

Did you know all of our libraries continue to receive new books? Now that spring is well and truly here we have many new gardening books to help you along the way. These include books by two outstanding authorities on gardening; RHS How to Garden, RHS Low Carbon Gardening, Monty Don the Complete Gardener, and My Garden World by Monty Don. To add these or any other gardening books to your next Order and Collect list visit www.wrexham.gov.uk/libraries


Great news! Did you know that you can access the full Ancestry.com package free of charge from home using your library card until the end of June? If you would like to know more about your family history why not visit the Ancestry.com page through our website www.wrexham.gov.uk/libraries, select Online Catalogue then log in to your library account at the top of the page and select the Ancestry icon. You will never know until you try it!

Book Review

Anxious People by Fredrik Backman

Anxious People by Fredrik Backman

Anxious People by Fredrik Backman

It all starts with a really bad idea. If you are going to rob a bank, you really should not choose one that is cashless and you should try to avoid accidentally taking a group of people hostage. From this point on, the day looks as if it can only get worse, especially when your hostages quickly realise that you are really not up to the job and decide that they are going to have to step up to get things properly organised. This may seem like the set up for a standard comic novel but you would be mistaken. It is a story of love and loss, guilt and regret, bridges, the world economy and when can you justifiably describe a walk in closet as a hobby room. Above all it is a compassionate story of imperfect people doing the best they can to navigate life in an imperfect world.