WREXHAM residents are being urged participate in a budget consultation.

Wrexham Council say there have been devastating cuts to local government funding since austerity started in 2007/08, and during that time residents have shared their thoughts on their proposals for savings.

A council spokesman, said: “This year we are asking you just one question – what do you think we should do?

“While there is still some uncertainty around next year’s budget, with Welsh Government providing more information towards the end of December, we know that the need to make difficult decisions will continue and that these will involve making more cuts.”

From November 30 to December 13, residents will be able to let them know what they think in four different ways:

Complete the survey either online or on paper.

Attend the virtual public Zoom session on Monday, December 7, between 5pm-6pm (register your interest at modernwaysofworking@wrexham.gov.uk by December 3. You will need to share your name, and whether you are representing any group or organisation).

You could also write to them at ‘Tell Us What You Think’, 3rd Floor Annex, The Guildhall, Wrexham LL11 1AY

Contact them via telluswhatyouthink@wrexham.gov.uk (residents are advised to mark their correspondence ‘Difficult Decisions’)

The council has put together the following points to think of when putting your ideas together:

They legally have to provide some services such as social care for adults and children, and schools/education.

There are costs that they have to pay, such as for waste disposal or housing benefits.

Efficiencies can be made to these areas, but the service must still be provided.

Many of the cuts will come from other discretionary areas.

They also need to consider ways to raise income and sources of income, such a council tax levels.

Other suggestions are welcome, as the consultation will cover every item on the list of savings the council has to make, but those listed are the areas where they have to focus.

Cllr Mark Pritchard, leader of the council, said: “In Wrexham, our medium term financial plan indicates a shortfall of approximately £18 million for the period 2021-24.

“This is in addition to the £11 million already saved over the last three years (including the current financial year).

“Over the period since the start of austerity the council have made cuts and efficiency savings of over £64 million.

“We are asking you to let us know how you think these savings can be made.

“No decisions have been made – we need to hear what you have to say before we can make them.”

Cllr Hugh Jones, lead member for people – communities, partnerships public protection and community safety, added: “Once again, there are difficult decisions that have to be made and your suggestions will play an important part in how we plan to make the necessary cuts to our budget.

“Every Wrexham resident could be affected by any proposed changes so it’s vital that as many people as possible take part in this consultation.”