PUBLIC Health Wales is urging the public to take care of their mental wellbeing.

They stated that most of us will feel that our mental health has been negatively impacted by Covid-19, as it may have affected the time that we can spend with family and friends, our ability to do the things we enjoy, or has caused stress and worry about jobs and money.

The Leader:

A spokesperson for Public Health Wales (PHW), said: "It’s important to recognise that feeling this way is a normal response to the situation.

"We can also take steps to make time for the things that make us feel better - find new ways to connect with our friends and family or spend time outdoors being active.

"For some people the negative thoughts and feelings are stronger and more difficult to shake off, they stay with them all of the time.

"This may be a sign that their mental health is being affected and may be a sign that they need some help."

Some of the signs might include:

  • You are irritable and easily agitated.
  • You find it difficult to sleep.
  • You may be tearful for no good reason.
  • You may be feeling anxious or worried all of the time.
  • You may not enjoy the things you normally do.

The Leader:

However, PHW have highlighted that you do not need to cope on your own, as there is a lot of help available.

The spokesperson added: "You may feel you want to speak to someone using one of the helplines, or you may feel more comfortable using one of the online courses.

"The choice is up to you.

"Talking does help and finding someone to talk to about how you are feeling can make a real difference."

If you are worried that you may not be able to keep yourself safe or worried that someone else may need urgent help, contact your GP or call 999 for expert help.

For further information on what support is available, visit