FLINTSHIRE Foodbank has seen a "marked increase" in the number of people needing help during the Covid-19 outbreak.

In March and April, it fed 1,595 people - an increase of 55 per cent on the same time last year.

It comes as Delyn Assembly Member, Hannah Blythyn, urges residents across Flintshire to not forget foodbanks amid the current health crisis and to continue to support them.

Ms Blythyn said: “These are difficult and different times for all of us where we’re all having to make changes to the way we live. But at the same time, it’s important not to forget the additional difficulties of people across our community. Flintshire foodbank is continuing to provide essentials to people that need them, but they rely on the generosity of people’s donations to be able to do this.

"We’re seeing wonderful acts of generosity right across the county and the country as we look out for and after one another and I’d urge people not to forget foodbanks.”

Sue Leake, project manager of Flintshire Foodbank, said: “We have six centres open as usual.

"We are working within Welsh Government guidelines doing the best we can to ensure the safety of our amazing volunteers and our clients, and we are so grateful for continued donations of food and money to help in these challenging times.

"We’ve had a busy time with a marked increase in people needing help from Flintshire Foodbank.

"We seen an amazing response from local people and business who have provided increased stocks of food and financial support to enable us to meet this need, and we are so grateful to everyone who’s contributed. Our volunteers are fantastic and have enthusiastically worked tirelessly to ensure that emergency food is available to all who need it."

Flintshire foodbank has centres at Holywell - St Peter’s Church, Flint - Age Connects, Mold - St David's, Deeside - Aston Family Centre, Buckley Cross Methodist Church Centre and Connah’s Quay - Salvation Army.

Opening hours vary, but the Foodbank network in Flintshire is still up and running and continuing to help people in food poverty. Donations of tinned meat and fish, UHT milk, tinned potatoes, tinned vegetables, tinned fruit, custard and rice pudding are needed.

Part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust, Flintshire foodbank work to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.

They provide nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to them in crisis. The foodbank works using a voucher referral system. In order to get help from our foodbank, you will need a voucher issued by local agencies. Information is available on their website at https://flintshire.foodbank.org.uk/locations/.

If you are self-isolating and unable to leave your house to donate food, but would still like to contribute, there is the option to donate online. If you would like to give a financial donation please use this link https://flintshire.foodbank.org.uk/give-help/donate-money/