SEVERAL new coronavirus cases were confirmed in Flintshire and Wrexham, according to the latest public health data.

Figures released by Public Health Wales reveal that as of April 27, there were 14 new confirmed cases across the two counties.

These include nine new cases in Wrexham - taking the total of confirmed cases in the county borough to 219, and five in Flintshire, taking its total to 214 confirmed cases.

Regionally, the latest figures show there were 45 new cases confirmed across North Wales covered by Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board taking the overall total up to 1,124.

There have been eight new suspected COVID-related deaths across Wales.

To date, the total number of people in Wales who have died after testing positive for coronavirus stands at 796.

So far, 28,719 people have undergone coronavirus tests in Wales.

Dr Giri Shankar, incident director for the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak response at Public Health Wales, said: "Based on the new case numbers there is emerging evidence suggesting a levelling-off in the number of new cases of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Wales, which may be an indication of the effectiveness of lockdown measures.

"However, it is still too early to tell for sure, and it is too soon to end the current social distancing rules.

"Public Health Wales fully supports the First Minister’s announcement (April 24) on revised stay-at-home regulations.

"The changes supplement the rules already in force but they respond to some challenges being faced in parts of the country and by families throughout Wales.

"The message has not changed – anyone can get coronavirus, anyone can spread it.

"Stay home, protect the NHS, and save lives.

"Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is still circulating in every part of Wales, and the single most important action we can all take in fighting the virus is to stay at home.

"We want to thank each and every person across Wales for doing their bit to help slow the spread of the virus.

"While emphasising the importance of staying at home, we also want to reinforce the message from NHS Wales that urgent and emergency care services for physical and mental health are still open and accessible.

"For parents, if your child is unwell and you are concerned you should seek help.

"If you have urgent dental pain you should still call your dentist. If you have a health complaint that is worrying you and won’t go away you should call your GP practice.

"If you or a family member are seriously ill or injured you should dial 999 or attend your nearest Emergency Department.

"Public Health Wales continues to support the implementation of the Critical Workers Testing Policy to make sure we use the current testing capacity in Wales to the full, ensuring we test the right people, at the right time, in the right place, to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

"We will be increasing our testing capacity in the weeks and months to come and it will be essential for us to exploit all possible technology to create a streamlined and digitally enabled process to support this.

"The recommendations in the Minister’s review will be helpful in achieving this.

"We are encouraging everyone to download the COVID-19 Symptom Tracker app, which has been supported by Welsh Government. The app allows users to log daily symptoms to help build a clearer picture of how the virus is affecting people. For more information, including how to download the app, visit

"Public Health Wales is working to address the negative impact of COVID-19 on the social, mental and physical wellbeing of people in Wales.

"Our latest campaign, ‘How are you doing?’ is now live and offering practical advice from

"We know that staying at home can be hard especially when the weather is nice, but members of the public must adhere to social distancing rules about staying at home, and away from others.

"These rules have recently been revised by the Welsh Government and are available on the Welsh Government website.

"People no longer need to contact NHS 111 if they think they may have contracted Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).

"Information about the symptoms to look out for is available on the Public Health Wales website, or members of the public can use the NHS Wales symptom checker.

"Anyone with a suspected coronavirus illness should not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital.

"They should only contact NHS 111 if they feel they cannot cope with their symptoms at home, their condition gets worse, or their symptoms do not get better after seven days.

"Only call 999 if you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, do not call 999 just because you are on hold to 111.

"We appreciate that 111 lines are busy, but you will get through after a wait."