Owner: Alison Fuller

Business: Orangutans Zero Waste Shop

Location: Tŷ Pawb, Market Street, Wrexham

Opening hours: 10am-4pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Closed on Wednesdays.

When did you open and why? I started with a table in Tŷ Pawb, on September 28 of this year and have been to various events and Christmas fayres since then.

I started this tiny business because the world is in such a mess and I wanted to do something positive to try and make a difference.

For the month of December I will have a shop in Tŷ Pawb.

The idea is to provide eco-alternatives for disposables and necessities, enabling people to get what they need or consume in a less damaging way.

What's your most memorable/proudest moment in business? A couple of memorable moments includes me setting up my Facebook site and overnight getting over 100 likes.

That made me realise there was a demand for this type of shop and a lot of people want the choice to be able to shop sustainably.

Another memorable moment was when someone messaged me asking for cat sanitary towels, which took a moment for me to realise she meant sanitary towels made of cat patterned fabric and not sanitary towels for cats.

Have you had any strange requests/quirky suggestions from customers? I constantly have customers coming up to me to say they have made a special journey into town to come and find me.

Also when customers say how delighted they are to have this opportunity in Wrexham.

The response has been overwhelming and very encouraging for such a small and new business.

My business is only very small at the moment but I honestly believe I am making a difference - a small one but all these little changes add up to big changes which might make the difference we all need to protect the world we live in.

More stock is arriving all the time and from December 2, I will be offering refill options, so bring along your old bottles to refill with toilet cleaner, washing up liquid, laundry liquid and fabric conditioner.

I'm looking forward to developing this business and offering lots of better alternatives for people to make their own little difference.