REJECTED proposals to create more than 60 new homes in Flintshire look set to be turned down for a second time.

An application by Muller Property to demolish one house in Drury, near Buckley and build 66 new ones on adjacent land was refused in March.

It came after residents raised concerns about the impact on local facilities, including Drury Primary School, where some pupils are being taught in portacabins.

The developers resubmitted their plans in July in a second bid to push them through.

However, a report set to go before members of Flintshire Council’s planning committee next week has again recommended the scheme for refusal.

In the document, the authority’s chief planning officer said it would have a damaging impact on an area of green barrier land.

Andrew Farrow said: “The site is located partly within the settlement boundary and partly within the green barrier/open countryside.

“The construction of new dwellings in the latter would be inappropriate development for which no very special circumstances exist.

“The density of development proposed would represent overdevelopment have regard to the character form of existing development at this location

“Development would also lead to the loss of an area of grade 3a, best and most versatile agricultural land which should be resisted.”

A total of 60 letter of objection have been submitted against the proposals, including from those concerned about the demolition of the existing property.

But Mr Farrow said the potential loss of one building could not be used to justify the refusal.

He added: “The concerns of residents and local members to the loss of this building is respectfully noted and acknowledged.

“As it is not considered to be worthy of listing and whilst its demolition would change the street scene at this location this would not be detrimental within this urban environment to warrant a reason for refusal on this basis.”

A bid by Muller to appeal the council’s original decision was previously turned away by the Planning Inspectorate due to a lack of information contained in the first application.

The resubmitted plans will be considered by councillors at a meeting on Wednesday, October 2.