A TOWN manager spoke of his delight as works to refurbish a bus station near completion.

Last year works to upgrade Mold Bus Station began, with improvements to include bus shelters and other street furniture, as well as infrastructure.

Mold Town Manager Dave Hill told the Leader this week that he is very pleased to see the works approaching completion.

He said the bus station was a vital and important part of the visitor experience, adding: "I'm really impressed with the quality of the refurbishments undertaken at Mold Bus Station by the county council, using funding that they secured from the Welsh Government.

"I'm grateful to the county council for the partnership working demonstrated with Mold Town Council throughout the project.

"We've had very positive comments from the community."

Steve Jones, chief officer for streetscene and transportation at Flintshire County Council (FCC), said: "The infrastructure improvement works, funded by Welsh Government at Mold Bus Station are now completed.

"The final part of works on flower bed planting are in progress in readiness for the spring season.

"The work is part of the overall effort of the county council to sustain town centres by using them as transport hubs for alternative transport solutions, including the use of FCC minibuses, following the bus service review which was undertaken as a result of the reduction in the number of commercial services operating across the county."