OVERGROWN grass verges are causing issues across Deeside as town falls into state of neglect.

Concerns have been raised over the lack of grass cutting in Shotton which is not only causing a safety issue, but also is making the town look 'horrendous'.

Cllr Mike Evans said: "Overgrown grass is an issue across the town, people are complaining about it right across Deeside in fact.

"It is a safety issue, there's going to be an accident. It's not just safety but appearance, it's scruffy for the town, it looks horrendous.

"Every single year we have to chase for something to be done. Why only cut grass verges twice a year? Make more of an effort. They just seem to be creating more work for themselves. It's easier to maintain if you cut it before it gets like this.

"Nowadays, the grass doesn't stop growing then start again at certain times, it's changed. Seasons are much warmer now, the grass will still grow. More needs to be done.

"We finally managed to get the one on Central Drive cut, that's a bad bend anyway but with the overgrown verge it was horrendous. We had to work to get that one cut, we have to chase them every year.

£It's the same every year especially on junctions or the cycle path. It's dangerous, a lot of children have to cross these junctions just to get to school, they are busy on the best of days but when that visibility is reduced it's an accident waiting to happen."

Katie Wilby, Chief Officer Streetscene and Transportation said contractors are working through a scheduled programme.

She added: “The Council provides a grass cutting service in a number locations and at key facilities around the County, which includes roadside verges. Urban verges (within 30mph zones), some cycle ways and visibility splays at junctions are cut four times a year in April, June, August and either September or October.

“Additional cuts may be carried out on health and safety grounds in specific locations as identified by our Area Coordinators.

“The contractors are currently working through their programme and the locations identified are scheduled to be cut this month.”